Our Strongest Loading & Cleaning Rod, 5/16" stainless, over 29" long for Lyman Trade Rifle or T/C Hawken, rigid handle, 10-32 thread
Part Number: RAMROD-C-29-10
Availability: Out of Stock, request notification when available.
Price: $31.50
Our 29" Creedmoor Rifle Loading and Cleaning Rod is made in the U.S.A. from 5/16" diameter 416 stainless steel. Ideal for heavy duty cleaning, this is our strongest rod for pulling a stuck ball.

This cleaning rod includes a brass rod guide-muzzle protector and wood handle. This sturdy cleaning rod is suitable for .32 caliber and the brass guide centers the rod in larger bores.

The rod working length is well over 29", plus the 1" cleaning jag length. It is an ideal loading and cleaning rod.

This sturdy cleaning rod has 10-32 female threads to accept Thompson Center brand accessories, or Track's best 10-32 threaded jagged tips, brushes, worms, or fouling scrapers.

For your T/C Hawken .45 caliber, we recommend our #JS-45-6-10 cleaning jag, and #BP-45-10 ball puller.
For your T/C Hawken .50 caliber, we recommend our #JS-50-6-10 cleaning jag, and #BP-50-10 ball puller.
For your T/C Hawken .54 caliber, we recommend our #JS-54-6-10 cleaning jag, and #BP-54-10 ball puller.
For your T/C Hawken .58 caliber, we recommend our #JS-58-6-10 cleaning jag, and #BP-58-10 ball puller.

For your 10 gauge Pedersoli or Navy Arms shotgun, up to 30", order #JAG-10-10 and #BP-75-10 puller.
For your 12 gauge Pedersoli or Navy Arms shotgun, up to 30", order #JAG-12-10 and #BP-69-10 puller.
For your 20 gauge Pedersoli or Navy Arms shotgun, up to 30", order #JAG-20-10 and #BP-62-10 puller.
Note that very early Pedersoli shotguns use our 11 gauge or 13 gauge wads and accessories.

Save your wooden or synthetic ramrod for hunting or display. Use this "trick" to pull a stuck patched ball:

1) Make the gun safe. Dismount the barrel, or remove the nipple.

2) Pour in 2 or 3 ounces of Track's best #BORE-CLEAN solvent, to soften fouling, penetrate the patch, and lubricate the stuck ball.

3) Wait 30 minutes (not more), then drain and discard the above sovent. Do not allow it to stand overnight, which might rust the bore.

4) Install Track's best #BP-50-10 ball puller (assuming .50 caliber) on the rod. Or select the correct caliber.

5) Bump the the sharp tip of the ball puller into the stuck lead round ball. Turn it in, two or three full turns.

6) Withdraw the stuck patched round ball. If the tip pulls out of the soft lead ball, turn it in a bit further.

7) Clean your rifle bore using the remaining #BORE-CLEAN solvent and #OX-CLEAN-58-C flannel patches, then oil the bore with #BC-PS-4 Barricade, or #RIG-3 Rust Inhibitor Grease, or WD-40, or any good water displacing oil.

This is our strongest cleaning and loading rod, designed to give a lifetime of service.
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773

Copyright © 2025 Track of the Wolf, Inc.