Bullet Mold,
.457" diameter, 535 grain bullet mold,
single cavity steel mold blocks,
by Lyman
Part Number: LYMAN-457-132
Availability: Out of Stock, request notification when available.
Price: $99.99
Lyman, .457" diameter, 535 grain bullet mold, single cavity, steel blocks only. These precision mold blocks are made in the U.S.A. and tend to cost a bit more than other brands. They are nice quality. Special steel alloy mold blocks hold heat, for even casting temperature. Steel blocks almost never wear out, if properly stored. Blocks are made in one size, cut with a single cavity for large bullets. Mold handles are sold separately. Use large Lyman handles on all current production molds.

Use Lyman Top Punch: #132

Shoot this bullet "as cast", and apply the lubricant with fingers. As cast bullets often shoot better than sized bullets, especially in original antique bores, oversize bores, or worn bores.

Size this bullet to "exactly fit" your new high quality modern made rifle, such as a name brand 1874 Sharps replica, or an original with a new Green Mountain barrel.

We consider a bullet to be an "exact fit" when it is .001" to .002" larger than the actual groove diameter. Measure your bore. If it measures .458" (most Shiloh, C. Sharps, and many Pedersoli and ArmiSport rifles have this dimension), then you should experiment with .459" and .460" bullets. Also test .458" bullets, which may shoot better, but avoid anything smaller, which will cause lead fouling.
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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