JB Bore Paste,
2 ounce non-embedding bore cleaning paste,
removes lead, copper or metal fouling
Part Number: JB-PASTE
Availability: In Stock
Price: $14.99
JB Bore Paste is specially formulated to remove lead, copper, or metal fouling from your bore. Black Powder cartridge shooters will enjoy using this paste. Your Hawken quit shooting accurately? Did those naked Maxi bullets leave lead in your bore? Use JB Bore Paste to get the lead out!

One customer wrote:

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I never made the connection that my beautiful rifle could have fouling in it. After half a tub of JB bore paste and about a million patches, I have removed an incredible amount of lead and crud from the bore. I went to the range this afternoon in my Carhardts just to see if it made any difference, and it was amazing . . . . just unbelievable.

I was going sell the rifle and had just about given up on it. I'm sure glad I contacted Track of The Wolf and got you to help me out.
Track of the Wolf, Inc.
18308 Joplin St NW
Elk River, MN 55330-1773

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